Looking for a no-man-entry solution for hazardous waste cleaning? At KOKS Robotics you can find the best robotsystems to operate within ATEX zone 0 environments. Our hazardous waste robots are designed to handle and manage dangerous substances that improve safety, efficiency and compliance.
The KOKS ADES EX and KOKS ADEX robots are suitable for cleaning aboveground, underground storage tanks, oil sludge pits and for cleaning hazardous substances in potential confined spaces. These robots are developed for handling hazardous and contaminated substances, so the robots are certified for ATEX (Ex) zone 0.
Are you looking for a specific application? Please contact KOKS Robotics and receive proper advice and information. You can reach us at telephone: +31 (0)72 540 66 99 or via e-mail: info@koks.com.